5 Daily Tips for Making Motherhood Easier

It ain’t easy…

👉🏾 Taking care of yourself

👉🏾 Taking care of your home

👉🏾 Taking care of your partner

👉🏾 Taking care of your baby

This full time mama thing is hard. I’d arguably say it’s harder than any other career job I’ve held in my life.

The demand is ever present and you’re juggling a million balls 24/7. It’s mentally taxing.

But ask any mama around and she’ll probably tell you what I’m gonna tell you…it’s so, so worth it ❤️

Here are 5 things that’ve been making my life [a little] easier and maybe they’ll work for you too:

  1. 💧Hydrate: If you struggle with water intake like me, trying chugging a big bottle of water within the first hour of waking up. Sip the rest throughout the day. Dehydration is not fun and makes for a hard day. Bonus tip: coconut water is the bomb.com and full of electrolytes!
  2. 🗓️ Routine: I don’t have a daily schedule but having an AM & PM routine helps me to at least start my day on the right foot and unwind after a long one. What happens in between that 🤷🏾‍♀️ is another story.
  3. 🗣️ Converse: Have at least one adult conversation every day. Whether it’s with your spouse, neighbor, instacart shopper, or internet friends (hey, I’m only a DM away!)
  4. ☀️ Sunlight: If you don’t have the capacity to go outside, just stand in front of the window and let the sun shine on you and baby even for a few minutes.
  5. 🙏🏾 Intentions: Pray, meditate, journal, whatever you have to do but have intentional time with yourself. Even if it’s for 30 seconds while you’re taking a pee break after chugging your water 🤪

💬 What tips do you have to add? Anything making your life easier these days? Let me know because I’m taking notes!